Japan Premium Quality - Fukui Sabae Glasses General Information Site

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Fukui Sabae Glasses General Information Site

Glasses Master Craftsmen and Skills

Plastic 2 - Craftsman, Cutting

“The frame represents the face of glasses, and is tailor cut according to the materials used.”

The production of plastic frames involves inner and outer edge cutting. The frames’ front greatly affects the impression of the face, and so our master craftsmen must alter the cutting method to suit the “expression” of each frame.

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Metal 4 - Craftsman, Precision Cutting

"Accuracy is kept to within plus or minus 0.02 mm."

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Plastic 3 - Craftsman, Filing

"It is a joy to see a single file produce the expected roundness."

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Metal 2 - Craftsman, Die Making

"There are times when glasses don't turn out how we intended in our drawings, and so we try to anticipate this beforehand and make corrections."

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