Japan Premium Quality - Fukui Sabae Glasses General Information Site

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Fukui Sabae Glasses General Information Site

Glasses Master Craftsmen and Skills

Metal 7 - Craftsman, Inspection

“We must prevent glasses breaking once they are in the hands of the customer, and we must prevent it right here.”

Repeated quality inspections are conducted for each process. Our inspection teams often use our products to obtain inspection data. Our glasses are made in Japan, made in Fukui Sabae, and for that reason, we’ll continue to ship only safe and reliable glasses to our customers.

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Movie list

Plastic 3 - Craftsman, Filing

"It is a joy to see a single file produce the expected roundness."

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Metal 6 - Craftsman, Polishing

"The cleaner the glasses are, the dirtier my hands become."

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Plastic 1 - Craftsman, Design

"The key is to come up with designs that make the user require a little courage when making their purchase."

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